urbandatabase Photo by Samsul Said on Bloomberg

ATO Urban Database


About the ATO Urban Database

The Asian Transport Outlook (ATO) Urban Database is a collection of urban-level indicators on the transport sector in 460 urban centers using more than 100 indicators. Out of the 460 urban centers, 412 are from the Asia-Pacific region and 48 are from the rest of the world.

Download the complete dataset:

  1. ATO Urban Database

All data is derived from publicly available sources. It consists of secondary data gathered from regional and subregional level sources like the data and reports published by the MDBs, UN agencies, research organizations, and individual researchers. The sources and weblinks are included in the indicator metadata.

Explore the ATO Urban Database

ATO Urban Database Masterlist of Indicators

The ATO Masterlist of urban level Indicators provides an overview of the indicators that have been gathered and documented in the ATO Urban Database. This provides tabular information about the indicators such as indicator definition, mode, source, and status. The Masterlist is structured based on the 9 categories:

  1. Socio-economic (SEC)
  2. Urban Form and Structure + Landuse (UFS)
  3. Infrastructure (INF)
  4. Transport Activity and Services (TAS)
  5. Access and Connectivity (ACC)
  6. Road Safety (RSA)
  7. Air Pollution and Health (APH)
  8. Climate Change (CLC)
  9. Miscellaneous (MIS)

The Masterlist is regularly updated whereby indicators are added or deleted.

View the ATO Urban Database Masterlist of Indicators

ATO Urban Database User Guide

The ATO Urban Database User Guide provides an overview of the indicators documented in the ATO Urban Database Master List of Indicators divided by main categories. It explains how to access the ATO Urban Database in the web-based interface and in the workbook versions.

View the ATO Urban Database User Guide