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Mapping of International Transport Policy Support Activities in EST Forum Participating Countries

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Mapping of International Transport Policy Support Activities in EST Forum Participating Countries: Scope and Alignment with the Aichi 2030 Declaration

This first ever mapping provides an overview of the thematic and geographic scope of transport policy support activities carried out by international organizations in the Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport (EST) Forum Asia participating countries.

The mapping was carried out to assess external policy and capacity building assistance by the international community in support of the Aichi 2030 Declaration, its eight Aichi 2030 Goals and 25 supporting Strategies.

Its primary objective is to support the planning of future policy support that will help enable the EST Forum participating countries to achieve the Aichi 2030 Declaration, and with it, the SDGs, and the Paris Agreement.

The mapping is based on information collected from organizations’ public databases and direct outreach in between October 2022 and March 2023. It primarily counts the numbers of activities and identifies their alignment with the Aichi 2030 Declaration; it does not assess the activities’ alignment with countries’ actual needs nor the activities’ level of ambition or effectiveness.

This report complements the overview of transport policies developed by the Asian Transport Outlook and the ATO Baseline Report for the Aichi 2030 Declaration on Environmentally Sustainable Transport - Making Transport in Asia Sustainable (2021-2030)

This work was commissioned by UNCRD and received support by the Climate Compatible Growth Programme funded by the UK government's Foreign, Commonwealth and Development office; it was carried out by Stefanie Sohm.

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Download the report v1.1  Download the Excel database version

Country Analysis

In preparation of the High-Level 15th Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum in Asia, 24-26 October 2023, Kuala Lumpur, and to encourage discussions on how international support can be strengthened in line with the Aichi 2030 Declaration, the findings from the mapping were analysed for each of the 21 low- and middle-income countries participating in the EST Forum. Results are available in the report Country Analysis.

Download the analysis