Asia's Internet Boom: Reshaping Transport

ATO - 2024-10-15

Percentage of individuals using the Internet

Source: (ITU, n.d.)

Asia has seen a dramatic increase in internet usage, from 9% in 2000 to 71% in 2022. This digital revolution is transforming transport in complex ways. The internet enables remote work and online services, potentially reducing travel demand. Telecommuting is gaining traction, with estimates suggesting nearly 15% of Asian jobs could be done from home, easing urban congestion and pollution. The rise of e-commerce and online delivery platforms has fueled urban freight traffic. While 25% of the global population over 15 shopped online in 2017, only 22% did so in Asia, indicating growth potential and its associated impact on transport.

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Transport Decarbonisation in Asia: A Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty? A Primer for COP-29
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