Asia's Disproportionate Climate Burden

ATO - 2024-10-15

Despite possessing nearly 38% of the world's transport infrastructure, Asia faces a disproportionate impact from climate and natural hazards, enduring an estimated 60% of the annual damage caused by these events. The potential average annual losses to transport infrastructure in Asia ranges to as low as less than a million USD up to 24 billion USD reaching as high as 0.4% of the country’s GDP. Within the transportation sector, railways are particularly vulnerable. Although they constitute only about 2% of the total infrastructure, railways shoulder a substantial burden when it comes to estimated economic losses due to climate hazards, accounting for 25% to 39% of the average annual economic loss.

Multi - Hazard Expected Annual Damages to Transport Infrastructure distributed by mode

Source: (CDRI, n.d.)

Find out more about the associated report here:
Transport Decarbonisation in Asia: A Glass Half-Full or Half-Empty? A Primer for COP-29
Download the report