Baseline Report for the Aichi 2030 Declaration on Environmentally Sustainable Transport - Making Transport in Asia Sustainable (2021-2030)


In support of the adoption of the Aichi 2030 Declaration on Environmentally Sustainable transport in October 2021, a baseline report was developed which describes the status of the 6 proposed goals under the new Aichi 2030 Declaration on Sustainable Transport:

  • Goal 1 – Environment sustainability
  • Goal 2 – Road safety
  • Goal 3 – Economic sustainability
  • Goal 4 – Rural access
  • Goal 5 – Urban access
  • Goal 6 – National access and connectivity

The purpose of the baseline report is to serve as a reference document for a periodic regional EST review and to serve as an indicative benchmark to assess the overall progress in, and regional trends of, sustainable transport development aligned with the 6 goals of the Aichi 2030 Declaration.

This initial baseline report for the Aichi 2030 Declaration shows that the realization of the six goals included in the new Aichi 2030 Declaration will be a substantial task for the countries in the Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum. Progress is needed both in terms of making transport more sustainable: low carbon, more resilient, cleaner and safer as well as in the development of transport infrastructure and transport services to unleash the developmental role of the transport sector in promoting economic and social development.

This baseline report was developed in the context of the partnership between the Regional Environmentally Sustainable Transport Forum and the Asian Development Bank.

The initial Aichi 2030 Declaration Baseline report was supported by data from the Asian Transport Outlook (ATO).

Download the Report

Tags: sustainable, EST, urban access, Aichi 2030 Declaration, climate change, UNCRD, economic, infrastructure, air pollution, connectivity, Asia, SDG, rural access, road safety, goal